- Lehrende(r): Mario Schaarschmidt
- Lehrende(r): Dugaxhin Xhigoli
Search results: 1685
This moodle classroom provides students with all the texts and other media read and discussed in the seminar.
- Lehrende(r): Wiebke Engel
Moodle-Kursraum zum Proseminar "Caligula - Verrückter Kaiser oder Innovator" von Felix Schulte im WiSe 21/22
- Lehrende(r): Felix Schulte
Dieses Hauptseminar ist für Sie geeignet, wenn Sie das Modul Literaturwissenschaft II im Studiengang 2-Fach-Bachelor oder im Studiengang Kulturwirt studieren oder aber Leistungen kompensieren wollen, die regulär im Auslandsmodul erbracht werden (Lehramtsbereich Bachelor). Keine Anerkennung dieser Lehrveranstaltung erfolgt für alle Masterstudiengänge sowie für das Modul Literaturwissenschaft I (hier besuchen Sie bitte ein Proseminar).
Wenn die obige Beschreibung auf Sie zutrifft, haben Sie in dieser Lehrveranstaltung Gelegenheit, Ihre textanalytischen Kenntnisse am Beispiel der Gedichte aus Campos de Castilla (1912; 1936) von Antonio Machado zu vertiefen. Außerdem erhalten Sie Einblicke in die kulturpolitischen Bestrebungen der 1898er Generation sowie in die literaturtheoretische Auseinandersetzung mit autobiographischer Lyrik.
Die zu lesenden kürzeren Texte sowie regelmäßige Arbeitsaufträge werden für Sie auf Moodle bereitgestellt. Das Passwort teile ich Ihnen in einer Rundmail eine Woche vor dem Beginn des Seminars mit.
Anzuschaffen ist der oben genannte Band in der folgenden Ausgabe:
Antonio Machado (2006), Campos
de Castilla. Edición de Geoffrey Ribbans. (Letras hispánicas, Band 10).
- Lehrende(r): Stephanie Bung
Chemie für Ingenieurswissenschaften.
Dozent Prof. Dr. J. S. Gutmann
Liebe Studierende,
alle eingeschriebene Teilnehmer*innen an der Vorlesung sind auch im Moodle Kurs eingeschrieben.
Sollten Sie Probleme beim Betreten des Moodle Kursraums haben, Kontaktieren Sie bitte den Dozenten (jochen.gutmann@uni-due.de).
- Lehrende(r): Jochen Gutmann
Dies ist der Moodle Kurs für das Chemie Tutorium zur Vorlesung Chemie für Medizinische Biologen bei Herrn Professor Niemeyer.
- Lehrende(r): Kristina Helbig
- Lehrende(r): Jochen Niemeyer
Willkommen im Moodle-Kurs der Vorlesung "Classroom-Management" für das SoSe 2021!
Inhalte der Vorlesung:
- Gruppendynamische Theorien
- Modelle der Kommunikation und Interaktion
- Grundlagen emotionstheoretischer Zugänge zu Bildung und Erziehung
- Sanktionssysteme und ihre Wirkungen
- Desintegration: Prävention und Intervention
- Lehrende(r): Hermann Josef Abs
Dies ist der interne Moodle-Kursraum für die Organisation und das Wissensmanagement der Vorträge im Rahmen der monatlich stattfindenden "Kaffeepause".
Für den Einschreibeschlüssel bitte Falco Korn (falco.korn@icb.uni-due.de) oder Michael Harr (michael.harr@icb.uni-due.de) kontaktieren.
- Lehrende(r): Frederik Ahlemann
- Lehrende(r): Michael Harr
- Lehrende(r): Falco Korn
- Lehrende(r): Reinhard Schütte
diesem Moodle-Raum stellen wir Ihnen Informationen über das Projekt „Communities of
Practice NRW für eine Innovative Lehrerbildung“ zur Verfügung. Der Raum soll
allen im Projekt beteiligten Akteuren Materialien und Informationen bereitstellen und
über den Status quo im Projekt informieren.
- Lehrende(r): Kirsten Jäger
- Lehrende(r): Charlyn Lipke
- Lehrende(r): Anja Pitton
- Lehrende(r): Stefan Rumann
- Lehrende(r): Isabell van Ackeren
- Lehrende(r): Günther Wolfswinkler
The objective of the module is to familiarise students with community-research partnerships and their application to a practical socioeconomic problem. Students will be facilitated in leading their own learning and how to develop a proposal consistent with the principles, politics and practices of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR).
CBPR aims for mutually-beneficial collaboration between researchers and community members in designing and implementing research projects to meet local needs. The approach emphasises the value of experiential learning and critically exploring the epistemological reasoning for and typical assumptions about doing social research, how humans and social structures can be best studied, and who should control the process of how knowledge is produced. Students will gain both an introduction to CBPR approaches and their implementation, responding to the research needs of local community partners and the socioeconomic issues surrounding migrant workers in the hidden economy of Marxloh.
Informal, "hidden" or "shadow" economic activity and the socioeconomic marginalisation of migrant workers within the European Union (EU) have become major topics of academic, policy and public interest in recent years. Germany and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia especially has recently attracted attention given outbreaks of the Covid-19 virus in communities of Roma, Bulgarian and Romanian workers, bringing previously hidden pictures of poor living and working conditions, as well as accusations of "systemic exploitation" and "modern slavery" into public view. Mobile migrant workers in Marxloh, some of which have limited legal rights and social welfare protection within the EU, are living and working within a socioeconomic context that is generally detached and obscured from the mainstream economy and society.
Critical reflection and active engagement form a key expectation of the course. Students prepare in the week before the class by reading, reflecting, answering questions and formulating key points on given texts to be provided on Moodle one week before class. Students are also expected to prepare a research proposal for the community partner’s tender call, while their understanding upon completion of the course will be assessed through an oral exam. The course will be conducted in-person (with appropriate measures, Covid-19 restrictions permitting) and in both English and German.
- Lehrende(r): Jessica Palka
This is the moodle course for the project group titled "CompaT AI: Comparative Training of Computer Game AI Agents".
- Lehrende(r): Shivam Agarwal
- Lehrende(r): Fabian Beck
- Lehrende(r): Shahid Latif
- Lehrende(r): Hagen Tarner
The password of the Moodle course will be announced in the first lecture (see also here).
- Lehrende(r): Martin Schwald
- Lehrende(r): Johannes Sprang
The password of the Moodle course is the name of a mathematician in the title of the course (4 letters).
- Lehrende(r): Johannes Sprang
Welcome to the Moodle page for Comprehensive Language Course I Group 8. The aim of this introductory course is to improve students' English language skills in all areas, including listening and reading comprehension as well as writing and speaking. Vocabulary building and grammar will be integrated into coursework. The exam will be online, in written form.
- Lehrende(r): Stuart Gordon Milne
Welcome to the Moodle page for Comprehensive Language Course I Group 4. The aim of this introductory course is to improve students' English language skills in all areas, including listening and reading comprehension as well as writing and speaking. Vocabulary building and grammar will be integrated into coursework. The exam will be in written form.
- Lehrende(r): Stuart Gordon Milne
Welcome to the Moodle page for Comprehensive Language Course I Group 4. The aim of this introductory course is to improve students' English language skills in all areas, including listening and reading comprehension as well as writing and speaking. Vocabulary building and grammar will be integrated into coursework. The exam will be online, in written form.
- Lehrende(r): Stuart Gordon Milne
Welcome to the Moodle page for Comprehensive Language Course II Group 3. This second language course builds upon CLC I and continues to work in greater depth upon improving all skill sets focused on in the previous course, especially writing. The main focus will be on paragraph and essay writing, with additional grammar units building on CLC I. The exam will be online, in written form.
- Lehrende(r): Stuart Gordon Milne
Welcome to the Moodle page for Comprehensive Language Course II Group 3. This second language course builds upon CLC I and continues to work in greater depth upon improving all skill sets focused on in the previous course, especially writing. The main focus will be on paragraph and essay writing, with additional grammar units building on CLC I. The exam will be in written form.
- Lehrende(r): Stuart Gordon Milne
Welcome to the Moodle page for Comprehensive Language Course II Group 4. This second language course builds upon CLC I and continues to work in greater depth upon improving all skill sets focused on in the previous course, especially writing. The main focus will be on paragraph and essay writing, with additional grammar units building on CLC I. The exam will be online, in written form.
- Lehrende(r): Stuart Gordon Milne
Welcome to the Moodle page for Comprehensive Language Course II Group 4. This second language course builds upon CLC I and continues to work in greater depth upon improving all skill sets focused on in the previous course, especially writing. The main focus will be on paragraph and essay writing, with additional grammar units building on CLC I. The exam will be in written form.
- Lehrende(r): Stuart Gordon Milne