Institutional Theory and Management: South Korean case
The objective of this module is to examine the institutional approaches of the national business system, which produces different systems of economic organisations across national economies. This approach regards institutions as cultural and historical outcomes as well as ‘the rules of game in a society (North, 1990)’, providing firms with distinctive features of business strategy and capabilities. The module focuses on the case of South Korea, which witnessed a rapid economic development with notable achievements in global niche markets. The first part of the module introduces different schools of thoughts and dynamics in institutional theory. Through the institutional lens, the second part of the module discusses key domains of a modern business system in the Korean context such as the role of the state; corporate governance; educational system; human resources; welfare state; international/global business. This module is open to all students who are interested in Korean business and economy and have been trained in economics/business, political studies, sociology or other social science disciplines.
- Lehrende(r): Francis Yoon
OA1 Einführung in die Wirtschaft Japans und Koreas/Introduction to the Japanese and Korean Economies
In der Veranstaltung wird ein Überblick über Grundfragen der japanischen sowie der koreanischen Wirtschaft gegeben. Dabei stehen bisher vorherrschende Muster und die beobachteten bzw. sich abzeichnenden Wandlungstendenzen im Mittelpunkt.
- Lehrende(r): Georg Blind
- Lehrende(r): Francis Yoon