4. Failure theories for combined loading and safety (cont.)
- introduction to fracture mechanics
- multiaxial stress state and yielding
- general concepts for yield criteria
5. Threaded fasteners and power screws
- thread terminology and classification
- forces and torques on threads, self locking of threads
- load, strength and stiffness for screws
- power screws, forces and torques, efficiency
6. Shaft - hub connections and associated parts
- shrink fits, keys, force fits
- stresses and strains for shrink fits
7. Shaft design and shaft deformation under load
- shaft loading by bending, torsion and axial loads
- deformation of stepped shafts under multiaxial loading
- critical speed of rotating shafts
- dynamic effects
- Lehrende(r): Maik Tino Gruszka
- Lehrende(r): Christian Overhagen