Di 14-16.00 (im zweiwöchigen Rhythmus)
Grundkurs Introduction to Literary Studies (eine Gruppe)
This course serves as a complement to the lecture "Introduction to Literary Studies". Basic topics introduced in the lecture will be discussed in detail in each of the courses, with a particular focus on the most important literary genres – poetry, drama and narrative fiction. We will help you to acquire a good command of the basic analytical techniques in the field of Anglophone literary studies. The structure of all Introductory Courses to Literary Studies (Grundkurse) is identical. A variety of texts will help illustrate important aspects of literature such as the characteristics of the major epochs and genres, literary theories as well as various approaches to literature, etc. The texts to be discussed will be taken from a number of regions across the Anglophone world. You need to read and prepare texts in advance of sessions and actively participate in the classroom debates on a regular basis, and you will also need to write a number of short assignments. Once again: You must take both the lecture and one of the Grundkurse. The Moodle course for Prof. Heyl´s Grundkurs is called Grundkurs (Heyl) WS 22/23 Introduction to Literary Studies. We will send the password to your university e-mail address (and to this address only). You will need the Reader, and you will also need to buy and read the following two books for your Grundkurs as well as for the lecture:
Michael Meyer, English and American Literatures. 4. Auflage. UTB Basics. ISBN-13: 978-3825-235505.
Christoph Heyl, Kleine Englische Literaturgeschichte. J.B. Metzler. ISBN-13: 978-3476045096.
We currently assume that teaching will be entirely on campus and in person. This, however depends on the further development of the Pandemic. Watch this space, and read all e-mails sent to your official university e-mail address.
Bemerkung: Die Einführungsveranstaltung in die Literaturwissenschaft besteht aus der Vorlesung “Introduction to Literary Studies” und einem sie ergänzenden Grundkurs, in dem das in der Vorlesung behandelte Fachwissen an exemplarischen Beispielen veranschaulicht und vertieft wird. Vorlesung und Grundkurs wechseln das gesamte Semester hindurch wochenweise ab (in einer Woche gehen Sie also in die Vorlesung, in der nächsten ins Seminar, in der nächsten wieder in die Vorlesung usw.). Vorlesung und Grundkurs bilden also eine Einheit, Sie müssen unbedingt beides besuchen. Es gibt nur eine Vorlesung (von Prof. Heyl gehalten), aber mehrere Personen bieten Grundkurse an. Sie melden sich bitte unbedingt nur für einen dieser Grundkurse an, auf keinen Fall für mehrere.
- Lehrende(r): Feser Christian
- Lehrende(r): Hausmann Claudia
- Lehrende(r): Heyl Christoph
- Lehrende(r): Rampersad Chandni