
The Extra Slot

Mo 18-20.00 (im zweiwöchigen Rhythmus, beginnend in der zweiten Semesterwoche)

(Offenes Oberseminar ohne Credit Points und Modulzuordnung.)

The Extra Slot provides an informal and friendly space for discussing texts and images (and occasionally also music) as well as questions and issues you find particularly interesting / fascinating / baffling. It is also a forum for discussing projects – yours as well as mine (ranging from seminar papers to BA/MA theses, to all sorts of writing projects, publications etc.). We hope to do one more little trips, maybe to see an exhibition, watch a play or attend other events associated with British literature and culture in and around Essen. This informal colloquium is for all those whose interests, enthusiasms and ambitions go beyond what they are told they have to do. It also goes beyond the acquisition of Leistungsnachweise and credit points (of which there will be none whatsoever). This is the only one of my courses where no preparation is required.

There will be a Moodle room. You will receive the Moodle password and other essential information via e-mail.

The Extra Slot is primarily aimed at students who have taken (or who are taking) one or several of my seminars/lectures. However, it is very much an open forum. Newcomers are most welcome. If you would like to join the Extra Slot, please send an e-mail to chandnirampersad@yahoo.de who will put you on our mailing list.