Grundlage: K. K. Tung - Topics im Mathematical Modeling
Hierbei handelt es sich um ein englischsprachiges Buch.
Falls Bedarf bei den Studierenden besteht, wird das Proseminar auf Englisch stattfinden. Das Buch gibt es online über die UB.
in Mathematical Modeling is an introductory textbook on mathematical
modeling. The book teaches how simple mathematics can help formulate and
solve real problems of current research interest in a wide range of
fields, including biology, ecology, computer science, geophysics,
engineering, and the social sciences. Yet the prerequisites are minimal:
calculus and elementary differential equations. Among the many topics
addressed are HIV; plant phyllotaxis; global warming; the World Wide
Web; plant and animal vascular networks; social networks; chaos and
fractals; marriage and divorce; and El Niño. Traditional modeling topics
such as predator-prey interaction, harvesting, and wars of attrition
are also included. Most chapters begin with the history of a problem,
follow with a demonstration of how it can be modeled using various
mathematical tools, and close with a discussion of its remaining
unsolved aspects.
for a one-semester course, the book progresses from problems that can
be solved with relatively simple mathematics to ones that require more
sophisticated methods. The math techniques are taught as needed to solve
the problem being addressed, and each chapter is designed to be largely
independent to give teachers flexibility.
book, which can be used as an overview and introduction to applied
mathematics, is particularly suitable for sophomore, junior, and senior
students in math, science, and engineering.
Analysis I und II
Für die späteren Vorträge sind auch Vorkenntnisse in Gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen hilfreich.
- Lehrende(r): Friesel Tobias
- Lehrende(r): Weiß Georg