Welcome to the Introduction to Numerical Methods Course

In many fields of science and engineering, numerical methods are essential tools for solving complex problems that cannot be approached directly. As models become more sophisticated, we encounter situations where numerical approximations are needed to find effective solutions. Even when exact methods exist, they are often inadequate for large-scale problems due to computational complexity and memory limitations.

In this course, we will focus primarily on the theoretical foundations and mathematical aspects of numerical methods. Our approach will emphasize understanding the underlying mathematical principles.

The weekly exercise classes will provide opportunities to apply these concepts, helping to reinforce the theoretical material through guided problem-solving.

I hope you find the course intellectually stimulating and that the tools we develop together will strengthen your ability to address theoretical and practical challenges in your field.

The course language is English

The main topics of this course are:

- Interpolation

- Numerical Integration

- Direct Solvers for Linear Systems

- Iterative Methods for Linear Systems

Lecture : Thursday 12:00 - 14:00  (Starting: 10.10.2024)

Exercises Class : Thursday 14:00 - 16:00  (Starting: 17.10.2024)

Prof. Josué Diaz
