Major aims of the course:

·       Overview of routine and state-of-the-art oxidative processes used in water and wastewater treatment

·       Advanced understanding of fundamental transformation processes involved in technical processes

·       Evaluation of advantages and drawbacks of oxidative processes for exemplary applications

·        Development of criteria for the selection of appropriate technological solutions

Part of the course tutorials will also be an introduction to reviewing scientific publications that students will practise on and present in the second half of the term.

In this practical course the students learn different modern methods and special work techniques of analytical chemistry and their applications. They can estimate and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of these methods critically. They learn how to present their work in a written report.

In this course quality programs and quality initiatives applied in quality management will be explained. Additionally, essential aspects of quality assurance in analytical chemistry are presented. 

Wesentliche Ziele der Veranstaltung:

·        Qualitatives und quantitatives Verständnis von Prozessen, die die Chemie natürlicher wässriger Systeme bestimmt

·        Grundlagen der Beurteilung des Verhaltens von (Schad)stoffen in natürlichen und technischen Systemen

·        Erkennen von möglichen Vereinfachungen komplexer Systeme und der Überprüfung der getroffenen Annahmen

Themen der Veranstaltung:

Konzepte/Organisation/Einführung in die Wasserchemie

Chemisches Gleichgewicht/Verteilung in wässrigen Systemen

Säure-Base-Chemie in wässrigen Systemen

Organische Säuren und Basen und Speziation



Auflösung und Fällung


