Gemeinsamer Moodle-Raum für die Veranstaltungen Vertiefte Schulphysik 2 und Physik und Kreativität 2 (4. FS)
- Lehrende(r): Martin Dickmann
- Lehrende(r): Cornelia Geller
- Lehrende(r): Christopher Jörgens
- Lehrende(r): Anita Stender
Gemeinsamer Moodle-Raum für die Veranstaltungen Vertiefte Schulphysik 2 und Physik und Kreativität 2 (4. FS)
Dear class:
You will receive access to this classroom on April 20, 8am, the access key will be sent to you via an email. However, since some of you have voiced their concern that they cannot participate during our classtime because of care work or student jobs, especially during this pandemic, the class will be offered in an independent study format -- you will be able to do your classwork flexibly whenever you have time. Please read the instructions carefully to get most of this classwork. I will, of course, be available for questions. More details are provided inside this moodle classroom.
All best
Saskia Hertlein
Please note that this information will be adapted due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, please check details inside this moodle classroom:
This lecture course, which is offered every summer semester, aims to provide an overview of American literature from its Native American beginnings to the present. The class will introduce you to the main periods of American literature and their cultural as well as historical contexts, to about sixty of the most prominent American authors, and to a variety of individual texts. Background lectures will be complemented by discussions of passages from many literary genres including prose fiction, poetry, drama, essays, sermons, and children’s literature.
A reader containing all the texts with which we will deal in this class will be available from the copy shop at Reckhammerweg 4. For the first class meeting, please read the texts listed under “Lecture 1” in the reader.
For those students who need “Prüfungsleistung” or “Studienleistung” credit, E3 credit or
Erasmus credit for this course there will be a final exam. Please note that there will be different dates for different exams depending on the respective module: For module Lit1/Lit1_BA the final will consist of questions from this class and the introduction to literary studies, for all the others the questions will only cover this class. The exams will be held in the PC Hall Altendorfer Straße (except for oral finals in module C/E!), the dates will be announced as soon as they become available (we will be assigned a date by UDE exam administration).
Di 10-12.00
A Poet of Pleasure: Ronert Herrick
Robert Herrick was a remarkable and very enjoyable seventeenth-century author whose rediscovery has long been overdue. He was born into a wealthy family of goldsmiths, and he became a clergyman. This is the moment when you might think: a clergyman, so his poetry is probably boring. Well, the opposite is true. He very much enjoyed life and had a somewhat eccentric sense of humour, and therefore he did not write like a clergyman at all.
The English revolution had immediate consequences for him. It brought the end of the monarchy, and as Herrick was a supporter of the king, he lost his job in 1647. The poems he wrote in these difficult times are particularly interesting: What do you do as a poet when you do not agree with the new, revolutionary political system that has just taken your job and livelihood away?
Under the new regime, everybody had to be extremely well-behaved. The Puritan revolutionaries hated any form of hedonism. Herrick decided to irritate and annoy them by writing poems that openly celebrated many forms of enjoyment. These included culinary and erotic pleasures. The quality of his poetry is extraordinary; he knew how to play not only with ideas but also with sounds and rhythms.
Depending on the further development of the pandemic, this seminar may or may not be taught face to face on campus. Our worst-case scenario is that we will have to continue in online mode. This is not ideal, but the last three semesters have shown that it is doable. In any case teaching will be in real time, so do not double-book this time slot.
Please join the seminar’s Moodle Room (A poet of pleasure: James Herrick, password: Poet_of_pleasure_WS_21-22 – but you already know this because you are here). A reader will be made available for free via the Moodle room. Further information will be sent to you by e-mail. Please make sure to use and check your official university e-mail addresses at all times. Do not use any other addresses, and do not have e-mails sent to your university address forwarded to other addresses. Our experience in the last semester has shown that using non-university addresses / forwarding mails will lead to our messages bouncing back in very many cases.
Very useful background information on key cultural and literary contexts of Herrick’s time can be found here: Christoph Heyl, Kleine Englische Literaturgeschichte. J.B. Metzler. ISBN-13: 978-3476045096.
Just in case your application is rejected by the LSF system: If you want to do this course because you are genuinely interested, you will be most welcome, no matter what LSF says. Please get in touch with who will enrol you manually. The worst that might happen to you is that you cannot do a Leistungsnachweis if you lack the formal requirements.
Dear all,
you have successfully registered for my seminar “A Survey of American Literature” (Mondays 10-12 a.m.). As you already know, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue distance teaching during the Winter Semester.. Thus there will be no in-presence teaching of this class until further notice from the University of Duisburg-Essen.
I have set up this Moodle classroom which will replace
in-presence teaching for the time being.
How will this class be taught this semester?
As long as this class will take place in a virtual
space I will upload for each according session my Power Point Presentations.
You can download them each week (I will not upload all presentations in
advance!). In these presentations will contain background information for each according session. These
presentations will furthermore feature the key questions for the texts which
will discussed in this course. These texts are made available in our Moodle
classroom as well. Please download these texts and go through them along with
the questions in the Power Point Presentations. These questions will be
discussed during our virtual sessions. Please check your mails on a regular basis for updates and announcements.
The university has set up a new tool to enable you
to listen to my Power Points live and to interact with me in this
virtual space. The BIG BLUE BUTTON technology will be set up for each
session and you can join the session week during our scheduled class
time. If you cannot join the session you can download the Power Point
and work through it individually.
Yet, I
will stay in contact with you as good as possible. I offer weekly office hours via ZOOM which you are welcome to make use of in case of any questions concerning the seminar. None
of you has to be afraid that he/she cannot take necessary exams this semester.
This means that in the course of the semester some
methods might be adjusted or there might be slight changes in the class
I will update you each week in advance about the upcoming session, teaching methods, tasks et cetera. Check your mails on a regular basis in order not to miss significant information or updates.
Carefully read through the class requirements which
can be found in the attached class syllabus.
What are the class requirements?
Bachelor Studiengänge UND Lehramt Bachelor (Studienbeginn ab WS 18/19) - Modul Lit2 BA Studienleistung für die Zulassung zur Hausarbeit im Modul Lit2 BA
· weekly quizzes on the class-readings and key questions (available online in our Moodle classroom)
· please take the weekly quizzes; you need to achieve 60% in total to pass the “Studienleistung”
Bachelor Studiengänge und Lehramt Bachelor (Studienbeginn vor WS 18/19) - Modul V oder E
· 10-12-page research paper on an assigned topic (due March 31, 2021)
· please prepare and discuss an assignment for the prospective topic, otherwise the paper will not be accepted
· the assignment should include a thesis statement, an outline, a selected bibliography and an introduction to your topic
Lehramt Bachelor Grundschule (Studienbeginn vor WS 18/19) - Modul C/E)
· a 20-minute oral exam at the end of the semester together with the linguistics lecture
E2 and E3 - Students
· weekly quizzes on the class-readings and key questions (available online in our Moodle classroom)
· please take the weekly quizzes to get the credits for E3
The Moodle classroom provides students with the essential class materials. the class schedule, and will contain power point presentations as well as other in-class activities.
Please check out the classroom on a weekly basis to keep up with the material and topics.
The moodle classroom will provide students with the class readings, the class schedule, and other in-class activities. It will as well contain the Power Point Presentations. Please check out the classroom on a weekly basis to prepare yourself for the seminar and to keep up with the schedule.
Moodle-Kursraum zur Exkursion
A3-/E2 - Lehren in verschiedenen Settings
"Radsport, Tennis, Wandern, & Fitness"
24.09. bis 03.10.2019 in Cala Rajada.und Alcudia.
Hier finden Sie die Unterlagen der Bachelorvorlesung Abfallwirtschaft 1/ Chemie B.Sc. Das Passwort für diesen Moodle-Kurs wird in der 1. Vorlesung am 20.10.2023 ab 10:00 Uhr bekannt gegeben.
Hier finden Sie die Unterlagen der Bachelorvorlesung Abfallwirtschaft 1/ Chemie B.Sc. Das Passwort für diesen Moodle-Kurs wird in der 1. Vorlesung am 25.10.2024 ab 10:00 Uhr im Hörsaal S05 T00 B42 bekannt gegeben.
Hier finden Sie die Unterlagen der Bachelorvorlesung Abfallwirtschaft 1/ Chemie B.Sc. Das Passwort für diesen Moodle-Kurs wird in der 1. Vorlesung am 21.10.2022 ab 10:00 Uhr bekannt gegeben.
Willkommen zum Moodle-Kurs Abfallwirtschaft 2 - vorsorgende Abfallwirtschaft. Im Rahmen von Vorlesungen und Seminaren werden vertiefte Kenntnisse zum Thema Abfall und Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung und Verwertung vermittelt. Das Passwort für diesen Moodle-Kurs wird in der 1. Vorlesung am 23.10.2024 ab 8:30 Uhr im Raum V15 R01 H61 bekanntgegeben.
Willkommen zum Moodle-Kurs Abfallwirtschaft 2 - vorsorgende Abfallwirtschaft. Im Rahmen von Vorlesungen und Seminaren werden vertiefte Kenntnisse zum Thema Abfall und Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung und Verwertung vermittelt.
Willkommen zum Moodle-Kurs Abfallwirtschaft 2 - vorsorgende Abfallwirtschaft. Im Rahmen von Vorlesungen und Seminaren werden vertiefte Kenntnisse zum Thema Abfall und Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung und Verwertung vermittelt.
Diese ist der Moodle-Kurs zum Modul Abfallwirtschaft 3 - biologische Abfallbehandlung. Das Passwort für die Selbsteinschreibung in diesen Kurs wird in der Einführungsveranstaltung am Dienstag den 09.04.2024 Beginn 8:30 Uhr bekannt gegeben.
Dies ist der Moodle-Kurs für das Modul Abfallwirtschaft 4 -Planungsprozesse beim Anlagenbau.
Das Passwort für die Anmeldung zu diesem Moodle-Kurs wird in der Einführungsveranstaltung am 24.04.2024 in der Zeit von 14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr im Raum R11 T08 C98. bekanntgegeben. Eine Selbsteinschreibung in den Moodle-Kurs ist erst im Anschluss an die Einführungsveranstaltung möglich.
Liebe Studierende,
herzlich Willkommen in diesem Moodlekursraum.
Hier werden Sie Informationen zu verschiedenen Themen wie Organisation, Formalia etc. finden, die Ihre Bachelorarbeit oder Masterarbeit betrifft.
Dieser Moodle-Kurs richtet sich an Studierende, um sich über aktuelle Abschlussarbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Konstruktion und Kunststoffmaschinen zu informieren.
In diesem Kurs werden Themen präsentiert und auch Unterlagen sowie Informationen zur Bearbeitung von Abschlussarbeiten bereit gestellt.
In diesen Moodle-Kurs werden alle Studierenden eingeschrieben, die aktuell eine Abschlussarbeit an unserem Lehrstuhl schreiben.
Hier erhalten die Studierenden Hinweise zur Erstellung der Abschlussarbeit.
Academic Skills/Winter Semester 2020-2022: MONDAY GROUP
BA Anglophone Studies
Mondays 14-16
R12 RO4 B11
All students: My personal preference, if we meet in person, is for all of us to be (like me) fully vaccinated. The choice is yours, but my chronic condition puts me in life-threatening danger if I am exposed to the Coronavirus. Thank you for considering this request.
This course will help students find their place in the world of academic and critical writing—and enjoy that world. You will learn to participate in ongoing debates, forming and developing your own opinions in written responses. We will:
Weekly essays and in-class writings will be edited by the instructor and by your classmates. Please come to the first class with a list of at least three topics that strongly interest you. You are invited to consult the “they say, I say” blog:
Required Text: They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (2018) by Birkenstein and Graff
Requirements: Come to every class and hand in every essay on time. Essays will be edited and discussed in each class. Each week, you will upload to our Moodle, no later than Saturday at 8:00 p.m., one 2-3 page double-spaced typed (12-point type) and titled essay. Remember to proofread your work, and to read it out loud before turning it in. An essay is an expression of your opinion, your opinion is formed using your observations, and your completed essay justifies those opinions to a reader.
Useful links:
Recommended (NOT required):
Gordon, Karen Elizabeth. The New Well-Tempered Sentence: A Punctuation Handbook for the Innocent, the Eager and the Doomed.
Gordon, Karen Elizabeth. The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: The Ultimate Handbook fo Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed
Heinrichs, Jay. Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion.
Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Strunk&White, The Elements of Style, 4th edition
Trenga, Bonnie. The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier: How to Solve the Mysteries of Weak Writing.
Your writing should always concern topics that interest you. I may assign a particular theme, but you must find a way to make it interesting to yourself. As a general rule, any subject that provokes a strong feeling—one that makes you feel either, “I love that,” or “I hate that,” or “I don’t want to think about that!” provides good material. Controversy is nearly always good in essay writing: it is also good mental training to pick your way through minefields of public opinion in, say, an election year. Why Scholz and not Baerbock? Why Baerbock and not Laschet? Why . . .? State where you stand and why. Imagine the point of view of a reader unsympathetic to your position. Convince that person you’re right.
Topics that traditionally provoke conflicting opinions include, but are not limited to, the following: Politics, Religion, Family, Sexuality, Money, Food. If you can’t think what to write about, gravitate to these topics. Along the way, issues of grammar and mechanics—“the rules”—will be important, but remember that the rules are generally there to make things easier for the reader. Some rules are just conventions, and have changed within the last fifty years, and will probably change within your lifetimes.
Academic Skills/Winter Semester 2020-2022: THURSDAY GROUPS
BA Anglophone Studies
R12 RO4 B11
All students: My personal preference, if we meet in person, is for all of us to be (like me) fully vaccinated. The choice is yours, but my chronic condition puts me in life-threatening danger if I am exposed to the Corona virus. Thank you for considering this request.
This course will help students find their place in the world of academic and critical writing—and enjoy that world. You will learn to participate in ongoing debates, forming and developing you own opinions in written responses. We will:
Weekly essays and in-class writings will be edited by the instructor and by your classmates. Please come to the first class with a list of at least three topics that strongly interest you. You are invited to consult the “they say, I say” blog:
Required Text: They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (2018) by Birkenstein and Graff
Requirements: Come to every class and hand in every essay on time. Essays will be edited and discussed in each class. Each week, you will upload to our Moodle, no later than Saturday at 8:00 p.m., one 2-3 page double-spaced typed (12-point type) and titled essay. Remember to proofread your work, and to read it out loud before turning it in. An essay is an expression of your opinion, your opinion is formed using your observations, and your completed essay justifies those opinions to a reader.
Useful links:
Recommended (NOT required):
Gordon, Karen Elizabeth. The New Well-Tempered Sentence: A Punctuation Handbook for the Innocent, the Eager and the Doomed.
Gordon, Karen Elizabeth. The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: The Ultimate Handbook fo Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed
Heinrichs, Jay. Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion.
Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Strunk&White, The Elements of Style, 4th edition
Trenga, Bonnie. The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier: How to Solve the Mysteries of Weak Writing.
Your writing should always concern topics that interest you. I may assign a particular theme, but you must find a way to make it interesting to yourself. As a general rule, any subject that provokes a strong feeling—one that makes you feel either, “I love that,” or “I hate that,” or “I don’t want to think about that!” provides good material. Controversy is nearly always good in essay writing: it is also good mental training to pick your way through minefields of public opinion in, say, an election year. Why Scholz and not Baerbock? Why Baerbock and not Laschet? Why . . .? State where you stand and why. Imagine the point of view of a reader unsympathetic to your position. Convince that person you’re right.
Topics that traditionally provoke conflicting opinions include, but are not limited to, the following: Politics, Religion, Family, Sexuality, Money, Food. If you can’t think what to write about, gravitate to these topics. Along the way, issues of grammar and mechanics—“the rules”—will be important, but remember that the rules are generally there to make things easier for the reader. Some rules are just conventions, and have changed within the last fifty years, and will probably change within your lifetimes.