Moodle Kurs TZDS
- Lehrende(r): Tamás Kurczveil
- Lehrende(r): Alexander Maxeiner
Moodle Kurs TZDS
Moodle Kurs TZDS
Am Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationstechnik wird derzeit erwogen, für Online-Prüfungen vom Prüfungssystem JACK zu Moodle zu wechseln. In diesem Kursraum soll geprüft werden, ob und wie die Prüfungsaufgaben der Kommunikationstechnik in Moodle abgebildet werden können.
Testkurs für Moodle / Opencast
in diesem kurs werden die studierenden lernen wie man lügt.
Das ist eine Sandbox für die Arbeitsgruppe Vortkamp. Ziel der Sandbox ist es neue bzw. unbekannte Features von Moodle in einer abgeschlossenen Umgebung zu testen.
Moodle-Raum zum Testen von Kursinhalten
„Writing is re-writing“ – „Schreiben ist Überarbeiten“. Diese, dem Autor Hemingway zugeschriebene Einschätzung drückt die gängige Praxis erfahrener Schreiber/-innen aus, Texte einer Vielzahl von Revisionen zu unterziehen, bis eine in ihren Augen akzeptable Fassung entsteht. Demgegenüber wird Schreiben in der Schule häufig als linearer Prozess vermittelt bzw. ausgeführt, an dessen Ende allenfalls oberflächliche Korrekturen stehen. In diesem Seminar gehen Sie der Frage nach, wie Schüler/-innen die Rekursivität des Schreibprozesses sowie zentrale Aspekte von Textqualität bewusst werden können. Dabei lernen Sie bewährte, papier-basierte Ansätze sowie innovative digitale Werkzeuge und kooperative sowie auf Einzelarbeit angelegte Formate kennen, die Sie erproben und weiterentwickeln. Die seminarbegleitend im Moodle-Kursraum bereitgestellten Materialien ermöglichen Ihnen das vernetzte Arbeiten in Gruppen sowie in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo.
Herzlich willkommen im Moodle-Kursraum "Texte und sprachliches Handeln"
Inhalt und Lernziele: Das Seminar führt ein in die Grundlagen des sprachlichen Handelns mit Texten. Ausgehend von einer funktionalen und strukturellen Bestimmung der Kategorien 'Interaktion' und 'Text' behandeln wir vertieft u.a. die Abgrenzung von Texten gegenüber interaktionalen Formen des sprachlichen Handelns (Face-to-face-Gespräch, Telefongespräch, Chat), das Verhältnis von Text und Schriftlichkeit, die Funktion und Struktur schriftsprachlicher Normen und die Bedeutung von Textsorten als gesellschaftlich ausgearbeiteten Mustern für die Bearbeitung wiederkehrender kommunikativer Aufgaben. Dabei beschäftigen wir uns einerseits mit Textprodukten und andererseits mit Prozessen der Textproduktion.
Neben der Perspektive des Text-Autors
interessiert uns die Perspektive des Text-Lesers: Am Beispiel von
Fachtexten aus dem Bereich Linguistik (einer Textsorte, deren Lektüre
von Studienanfängern häufig als besonders anspruchsvoll und
voraussetzungsreich empfunden wird) werden wir nachvollziehen, welches
Lesermodell Fachautoren voraussetzen und wie man Texte dieser Sorte
optimal für die Erarbeitung fachlicher Diskursausschnitte nutzt. Dabei
erproben wir verschiedene Techniken, die die Lektüre und die
„Entschlüsselung“ von Fachtexten unterstützen, und üben anhand kleiner
Schreibaufgaben die Verarbeitung von Fachtexten im eigenen
wissenschaftlichen Schreiben ein. Auf diese Weise werden im Seminar auch
wichtige Teilfertigkeiten für das Verfassen schriftlicher Hausarbeiten
adressiert. Die Arbeit an und mit Texten wird durch die
Moodle-Lernaktivität TEXTLABOR unterstützt.
Klug, Nina-Maria: Texte und sprachliches Handeln – In diesem Blended Learning Seminar beschäftigen Sie sich in gemeinsamen Präsenz- und Online-Arbeitsphasen mit zentralen Produkten des sprachlichen bzw. kommunikativen Handelns: den Texten. Ausgehend von der Frage, was Texte aus linguistischer Sicht sind und wieso diese Frage z.T. ganz unterschiedlich beantwortet wird, werden Sie im Seminar linguistische Mittel der integrativen, grammatischen, semantischen und funktionalen Beschreibung von Texten kennenlernen und bei der Analyse eigener Textkorpora anwenden. Nähere Informationen zum Seminar und seinem Arbeitsablauf werden Ihnen zu Beginn der Veranstaltungszeit im zugehörigen Moodle-Kursraum gegeben, in den alle zugelassenen Studierenden manuell eingeschrieben werden.
Klug, Nina-Maria: Texte und sprachliches Handeln – In diesem Blended Learning Seminar beschäftigen Sie sich in gemeinsamen Präsenz- und Online-Arbeitsphasen mit zentralen Produkten des sprachlichen bzw. kommunikativen Handelns: den Texten. Ausgehend von der Frage, was Texte aus linguistischer Sicht sind und wieso diese Frage z.T. ganz unterschiedlich beantwortet wird, werden Sie im Seminar linguistische Mittel der integrativen, grammatischen, semantischen und funktionalen Beschreibung von Texten kennenlernen und bei der Analyse eigener Textkorpora anwenden. Nähere Informationen zum Seminar und seinem Arbeitsablauf werden Ihnen zu Beginn der Veranstaltungszeit im zugehörigen Moodle-Kursraum gegeben, in den alle zugelassenen Studierenden manuell eingeschrieben werden.
The European Dimension of Romanticism:
Byron, Heine, Pushkin
Di 10-12
Byron was an international literary superstar of his time. Both his poetry and his life were unconventional, provocative and scandalous. He was regarded as “mad, bad and dangerous to know” – and this is precisely what fascinated people not just in Britain, but all over the continent and beyond.
This seminar will give you an opportunity to get acquainted with Byron’s outrageously witty (and sometimes simply outrageous) narrative verse (especially Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage). In order to get an idea of the international impact of his works well beyond, our close reading of texts by Byron will be combined with a comparative approach, taking in both German and Russian texts (Heinrich Heine, Das Buch Le Grand and Englische Fragmente; Alexander Pushkin, Jewgenij Onegin, which, for reasons of practicality, will be read in German translation).
Please buy the following editions: George Gordon Lord Byron (Ed.: Jerome J. McGann), Lord Byron. The Major Works (Oxford World’s Classics), ISBN: 978019953744-4.
Alexander Puschkin (translated by Rolf-Dietrich Keil), Jewgeni Onegin. Roman in Versen (Insel), ISBN: 9783458342243. Other translations of this text are also of interest.
Heinrich Heine (Ed.: Bernd Kortländer), Reisebilder (Reclam), ISBN: 9783150187302
Requirements: thorough preparation for each session, active participation plus anything that might be required according to your Modulhandbuch / Studienordnung. As always: read, think, enjoy (!!), annotate (!) and look things up if necessary. The first text to be discussed is Byron’s Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Canto 1).
The seminar will be conducted entirely online and entirely in real time. We will meet each online via Zoom, each week of the semester at the time of the seminar. Please join the seminar´s Moodle room; you will receive further information via Moodle. Please make sure to use and check your official university e-mail addresses at all times. Do not use any other addresses, and do not have e-mails sent to your university address forwarded to other addresses. Our experience in the last semester has shown that that using non-university addresses / forwarding mails will lead to our messages bouncing back in very many cases.
Just in case your application is rejected by the LSF system: If you want to do this course because you are genuinely interested, you will be most welcome, no matter what LSF says. Please get in touch with who will enrol you manually. The worst that might happen to you is that you cannot do a Leistungsnachweis if you lack the formal requirements.
Mo 18-20
The Extra Slot (offenes Oberseminar, alle zwei Wochen)
The Extra Slot provides an informal and friendly space for discussing texts and images (and occasionally also music) as well as questions and issues you find particularly interesting / fascinating / baffling. It is also a forum for discussing projects – yours as well as mine (ranging from seminar papers to BA/MA theses, or perhaps your first conference paper or plans for a Ph.D. thesis, to all sorts of publications etc.). This informal colloquium is for all those whose interests, enthusiasms and ambitions go well beyond what they are told they have to do. It also goes beyond the acquisition of Leistungsnachweise and credit points (of which there will be none whatsoever). This is the only one of my courses where no preparation is required.
In pre-Corona times, the Exta Slot description used to say: If any interesting opportunities come up, we may go and watch an English play, see an exhibition or attend other events connected with British literature and culture in and around Essen. Now that things are a bit different for reasons beyond our control, we will have to look for enjoyable digital alternatives.
The Extra Slot will be conducted entirely online and entirely in real time. We will meet each online via Zoom, each week of the semester at the time of the seminar. Please join the seminar´s Moodle room (password: ExtraWS20-21); you will receive further information via Moodle/e-mail. Please make sure to use and check your official university e-mail addresses at all times. Do not use any other addresses, and do not have e-mails sent to your university address forwarded to other addresses. Our experience in the last semester has shown that that using non-university addresses / forwarding mails will lead to our messages bouncing back in very many cases.
The Extra Slot is primarily aimed at students who have taken (or who are taking) one or several of my seminars/lectures. However, it is very much an open forum. Newcomers are most welcome. If you are new to the Extra Slot, please send an e-mail to who will put you on our mailing list
The Extra Slot provides an informal and friendly space for discussing texts and images (and occasionally also music) as well as questions and issues you find particularly interesting / fascinating / baffling. It is also a forum for discussing projects – yours as well as mine (ranging from seminar papers to BA/MA theses, or perhaps your first conference paper or plans for a Ph.D. thesis, to all sorts of publications etc.). This informal colloquium is for all those whose interests, enthusiasms and ambitions go well beyond what they are told they have to do. It also goes beyond the acquisition of Leistungsnachweise and credit points (of which there will be none whatsoever). This is the only one of my courses where no preparation is required.
We currently assume that teaching will be entirely on campus and in person. We also hope to do one more little trips, maybe see an exhibition, watch a play or attend other events associated with British literature and culture in and around Essen. This, however depends on the further development of the Pandemic. Watch this space, and read all e-mails sent to your official university e-mail address.
There will be a Moodle room. You will receive the Moodle password and other essential information via e-mail. Please make sure to use and check your official university e-mail addresses at all times. Do not use any other addresses, and do not have e-mails sent to your university address forwarded to other addresses.
The Extra Slot provides an informal and friendly space for discussing texts and images (and occasionally also music) as well as questions and issues you find particularly interesting / fascinating / baffling. It is also a forum for discussing projects – yours as well as mine (ranging from seminar papers to BA/MA theses, to job and scholarship applications and all sorts of writing projects, etc.). We hope to do one more little trips, maybe to see an exhibition, watch a play or attend other events associated with British literature and culture in and around Essen. This informal colloquium is for all those whose interests, enthusiasms and ambitions go beyond what they are told they have to do. There will be no credit points – however, there probably will be nibbles. This is the only one of my courses where no preparation is required.
There will be a Moodle room. You will receive the Moodle password and other essential information via e-mail.
The Extra Slot is primarily aimed at students who have taken (or who are taking) one or several of my seminars/lectures. However, it is very much an open forum. Newcomers are most welcome. If you would like to join the Extra Slot, please send an e-mail to who will put you on our mailing list.
The Extra Slot provides an informal and friendly space for discussing texts and images (and occasionally also music) as well as questions and issues you find particularly interesting / fascinating / baffling. It is also a forum for discussing projects – yours as well as mine (ranging from seminar papers to BA/MA theses, or perhaps your first conference paper or plans for a Ph.D. thesis, to all sorts of publications etc.). This informal colloquium is for all those whose interests, enthusiasms and ambitions go well beyond what they are told they have to do. It also goes beyond the acquisition of Leistungsnachweise and credit points (of which there will be none whatsoever). This is the only one of my courses where no preparation is required.
In pre-Corona times, the Extra Slot description used to say: If any interesting opportunities come up, we may go and watch an English play, see an exhibition or attend other events connected with British literature and culture in and around Essen. Now that things are a bit different for reasons beyond our control, we will have to look for enjoyable digital alternatives.
The Extra Slot will probably be conducted entirely online and entirely in real time. We will meet online via Zoom every other week of the semester. You will receive further details (Moodle room, password and Zoom link). Please make sure to use and check your official university e-mail addresses at all times. Do not use any other addresses, and do not have e-mails sent to your university address forwarded to other addresses. Our experience in the last semester has shown that using non-university addresses / forwarding mails will lead to our messages bouncing back in very many cases.
The Extra Slot is primarily aimed at students who have taken (or who are taking) one or several of my seminars/lectures. However, it is very much an open forum. Newcomers are most welcome. If you would like to join the Extra Slot, please send an e-mail to who will put you on our mailing list.